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Adecvat pentru diete, conținut scăzut de sodiu

KALIUM. Este o sare dietetică cu conținut scăzut de sodiu care înlocuiește sarea de bucătărie normală, indicată în toate acele afecțiuni medicale care necesită o reducere a aportului de sodiu din alimente. Utilizarea sa este indicată în substituirea sării obișnuite de bucătărie (clorură de sodiu), atât în stare crudă, cât și în timpul gătitului oricărui tip de alimente.

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Proprietăți și Eficacitate

KALIUM. It is a low-sodium dietary salt that replaces the normal cooking salt indicated in all those medical conditions that require a reduction of sodium intake with food. Its use is indicated in substitution of common cooking salt (sodium chloride), both raw and during the cooking of any kind of food. A low-sodium diet may be prescribed by a physician or nutritionist for the treatment of edematous conditions (water retention, edema caused by heart, liver or kidney disease) and for the dietary treatment of high blood pressure.

The daily consumption of salt should be less than five grams, which is equivalent to about two grams of sodium. Salt consumption in the European adult population is on average about double the recommendations of the World Health Organization with an average consumption of more than 9-11 grams per day. The excess of sodium favors the increase of blood pressure, the main cause of heart attack and stroke, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and some cancers: in particular that of the stomach

KALIUM. It is a dietary salt with low sodium content and represents the ideal substitute of normal cooking salt.

Principalele beneficii

Suitable for diets, low sodium content

  • Himalaya salt
  • Potassium choride
  • Potassium citrate
  • Sodium choride
  • Magnesium choride
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Bamboo resin powder (Bambusa arundinaceae) with 50% silicon

In 240 g bottle, provides: potassium 2018 mg

De ce să-l Alegi?

KALIUM contains about 60% less sodium than common table salt, partly replaced by a high content of potassium (instead absent in table salt). Increased potassium intake may help reduce blood pressure and increase urinary excretion of sodium. KALIUM contains 2 g per serving of pure Himalayan crystal salt consisting of over 84 minerals and natural elements1.

For the first time a preparation based on this combination of herbs and active ingredients is proposed and marketed

Studii și Perspective științifice

Numerous scientific studies have shown how sodium negatively affects the ability to absorb calcium that we ingest, favoring its elimination through the urine. The problem is not trivial, considering that the contemporary Western diet is characterized by a high intake of sodium, much higher than the individual requirements recommended by the World Health Organization.

Table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as iodine, adsorbents, sugar and is devoid of useful trace minerals and lacking in nutritional value. The body has difficulty disposing of it naturally and healthily, which can lead to tissue inflammation, water retention, and high blood pressure (2,3). Excess sodium promotes increased blood pressure, a leading cause of heart attack and stroke, kidney stones, and osteoporosis. Low-sodium diets are therapeutically effective but generally considered impossible or difficult to implement. One strategy may be to replace sodium with other minerals, such as potassium chloride, which organoleptically has the same flavor without having negative health consequences. In one clinical trial, reducing sodium intake accompanied by dietary potassium supplementation resulted in an increase in subjects with optimal blood pressure (+ 2-5%) and a significant reduction in risk levels for cardiovascular disease and mortality (- 6- 11%) (4).

The efficacy of a prophylactic/therapeutic low-sodium diet should also be evaluated against the side effects of drug therapy with daily intake of antihypertensives. Clinical and epidemiological studies suggest that potassium chloride intake lowers blood pressure and reduces the need for antihypertensive medication in hypertensive men on a low-sodium diet (5,6). In another study, increasing potassium intake to recommended levels significantly reduces systolic blood pressure in Western populations from 1.7 to 3.2 mm Hg, with a predicted reduction in risk of stroke mortality from 8% to 15% and risk of heart disease mortality from 6% to 11% (7).

  1. Hendel, B., & Ferreira, P. (2003). Water and Salt, the Essence of Life.Natural Resources251.
  2. Meneely, G. R., & Battarbee, H. D. (1976). High sodium-low potassium environment and hypertension. The American journal of cardiology38(6), 768-785.
  3. Holbrook, J. T., Patterson, K. Y., Bodner, J. E., Douglas, L. W., Veillon, C., Kelsay, J. L., … & Smith Jr, J. C. (1984). Sodium and potassium intake and balance in adults consuming self-selected diets. The American journal of clinical nutrition40(4), 786-793.
  4. van Mierlo, L. A., Greyling, A., Zock, P. L., Kok, F. J., & Geleijnse, J. M. (2010). Suboptimal potassium intake and potential impact on population blood pressure.Archives of internal medicine170(16), 1501-1502.
  5. Grimm Jr, R. H., Neaton, J. D., Elmer, P. J., Svendsen, K. H., Levin, J., Segal, M., … & LaBounty, R. K. (1990). The influence of oral potassium chloride on blood pressure in hypertensive men on a low-sodium diet. New England Journal of Medicine322(9), 569-574.
  6. Morris Jr, R. C., Sebastian, A., Forman, A., Tanaka, M., & Schmidlin, O. (1999). Normotensive salt sensitivity: effects of race and dietary potassium. Hypertension33(1), 18-23.
  7. Prospective Studies Collaboration. (2002). Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies.The Lancet360(9349), 1903-1913.

Despre Noi

Kiros Diet

Oferim suplimente alimentare naturale de înaltă calitate și produse fitoterapeutice bazate pe 25 de ani de cercetare și studii clinice.

Suplimentele noastre: cu vitaminele, substanțele naturale și extractele din plante potrivite, acum putem optimiza energia mentală și fizică, susține sistemul imunitar, îmbunătăți calitatea vieții pe termen lung și multe altele. Suplimentele dezvoltate de echipa noastră oferă cel mai înalt nivel de siguranță și eficiență.

Cum au apărut suplimentele Kiros Diet
Din colaborarea dintre Prof. Giuseppe Castaldo și Prof. Luca Rastrelli de la Departamentul de Farmacie al Universității din Salerno, un centru de excelență de renume internațional în domeniul suplimentelor nutritive și al cercetării nutraceutice.

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