Hempro Kollagen. It is a supplement built for vegetarians and vegans composed of very high quality hemp proteins (edestin and albumin), high biological value and bioavailability. They contain all the essential amino acids including branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) necessary for muscle growth, have high contents of arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide, a vasodilating agent that improves blood flow by promoting the supply of nutrients to muscle cells, and they are also rich in sulphur-containing amino acids (methionine and cysteine) which together with MSM preserve the elasticity and hydration of the collagen present in the subcutaneous connective tissue.
In addition to hemp proteins, the formula contains:
- 1 gram of the amino acids proline-hydroxyproline, which constitute the structural unit of collagen and their precursor;
- natural substances and plant extracts that stimulate the endogenous production of collagen (Vitamin C, organic silicon);
- antioxidant substances that limit degradation (OPC);
- The presence of carnitine and vitamin B6 optimizes lipid metabolism and the catabolism of fatty acids at the mitochondrial level.
Hempro Kollagen is a complete protein supplement that perfectly integrates the quantity and quality of proteins necessary in low-calorie, ketogenic or very low carbohydrate diets. Integrates the needs for essential and branched chain amino acids during intense muscular work into sports nutrition protocols. Stimulates collagen production.
Take at breakfast, during breaks or after dinner. Preferably disperse Hempro Kollagen powder in yogurt, sugar-free soy yogurt or vegetable milks (soy, rice, oat, coconut, amaranth).